Celebrate RVF 2024 with fabulous films!

This year, the National Film Board of Canada’s free RVF film program invites you to embark on a journey of discovery with five documentary and animation programs that celebrate the Canadian Francophonie in all its diversity. 

2024’s documentary programs include:

  • Patrick Bossé’s Étoile du Nord (North Star), which I wrote about in a February blog post.
  • The documentary Travailler autrement (Work Different), by Vancouver-based director Julien Capraro.
  • Jean-Martin Gagnon’s documentary series Maisonneuve.

All three documentaries are exceptional. Maisonneuve, a six-part series, delves into an intense period of trauma and reflection at Montreal’s Collège de Maisonneuve through the eyes of students and supporting adults. Travailler autrement explores how working remotely has and is reshaping our workplaces and our lives. Étoile du Nord offers a captivating glimpse into the life and work of Laurie Rousseau-Nepton, a Quebec-born Innu astrophysicist.

Don’t miss out on the two short programs! Program 4 (12 and up) presents a compilation of seven documentary and animated shorts that take a humorous, imaginative look at the turmoil of discovering one’s identity and independence, and Program 5 (8 and up) takes viewers on six colourful journeys of the imagination.

Image est de l’ONF, de La fille au béret rouge, par Janet Perlman

Catherine Fisher, blogger