Everything the RVF has to offer for kids 12 and under can be found here!

Free Movies

Bouche décousue
Des vertes et des pas mûres

Place aux bêtises et à l’imagination ! Dans le court métrage musical La fille au béret rouge, Janet Perlman nous fait vivre un voyage en métro haut en couleur. 100 miles de Louis Bodart raconte un trajet sur la route des vacances qui déraille de façon hilarante. Bouche décousue d’Andrea Dorfman nous rappelle que si l’honnêteté est une qualité, son usage débridé peut causer des ennuis… Dans La fille qui détestait les livres, Jo Meuris fait le récit d’un dégoût qui se transforme en passion. Nuit d’orage de Michèle Lemieux évoque les questions qui surgissent durant l’enfance et apporte des propositions de réponses saugrenues. Enfin, Qalupalik d’Ame Papatsie relate la légende du monstre marin qui punit les enfants indociles.

Public screenings online or in person

Step 1. Choose one or more of this year’s programs.

Step 2. Fill out the online registration form. We can send you an electronic file (.mp4 or .mov) or a physical copy (projection-quality DVD) for screenings in your library. For virtual screenings, we can provide a hyperlink. Promotional materials will also be supplied.

Step 3. Prior to your event, use your screening equipment to test the film format delivered to you (digitally or by mail).

Step 4. After the screening, email us the number of attendees at rvf@nfb.ca. These stats are important, to ensure we stay true to our mandate of delivering documentaries, auteur animation, interactive storytelling and participatory experiences nationwide.

Individual viewings on NFB.ca

In addition to holding public screenings, you can also watch films on the NFB’s L’espace francophonie page, which offers a list of curated works that honour the diversity of Canada’s Francophonie. In Canada, more than 1 million Francophones live outside Quebec. Discover the NFB films that pay tribute to the Canadian Francophonie.

Learning activities

Canadian Parents for French (CPF) has selected tools and activities to help you practise your French while having fun!

Treasure Hunt

Go on a treasure hunt, from home to school – in French! Print out the worksheet and tick the boxes when you find the right items!

Printable coloring activities!

Draw your emotions to help you recognize them!

Printable coloring activities!

Create your own constellation!

Printable crossword puzzle!

Discover words related to winter clothing in French and Aboriginal languages!

Bonne nuit / Good night activities include:
CPF also offers many other kinds of activities:

Tongue twisters

Want your students to have fun practising their oral French? Have them try these tongue twisters out loud or write them in a dictation, and they’ll be sure to have a barrel of laughs!

Level 1

Six souris sottes suçaient six saucisses.

Le ver vert va vers le verre vert.

Le lion lit le journal dans la jungle en juillet.

Level 2

Trois tortues trottaient sur un trottoir très étroit.

Pierre peint parfaitement des portraits de pingouins.

Sacha chuchote souvent chez sa grand-mère.

Level 3

Un chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien.

Les chaussettes de l’archiduchesse sont-elles sèches, archisèches?

Cinq chiens chassent six chats. Six chats chassent cinq chiens.