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Francine Julien from St-Anaclet-de-Lessard (Quebec)

Put your language skills to the test while exploring tourist destinations across Canada.

The Prize!

You could win a trip for two anywhere in Canada. The prize includes transportation courtesy of Air Canada and $2000 spending money.

How to enter

Click on each tourist destination. Answer the questions, and submit the form.
Each correct answer gives you a chance to win. You can submit two entries a day, one in English and one in French. To double your chances of winning, click on the hints that lead to the Language Portal of Canada website!

The contest questions were prepared by the Language Portal of Canada, an initiative of Public Services and Procurement Canada’s Translation Bureau.

Gravelbourg, en Saskatchewan

C’est à Gravelbourg qu’on trouve l’un des plus anciens élévateurs à grains de la Saskatchewan, qui date de 1915.

Des travaux sont en cours pour restaurer l’élévateur à grains de Gravelbourg et le transformer en lieu culturel et éducatif.

Près du quart de la population de Gravelbourg a le français pour langue maternelle.


trésor de la communauté fransaskoise

Visit the Gravelbourg & District Museum to learn not only about the history of the town ______ about its heritage.

Click on the correct answer:

  • A)  and also  
  • B)  but also  

Hint: Check out the Language Portal of Canada’s writing tip on correlative conjunctions.

Confirm your choice

L’Île Miscou, au nord-est du Nouveau-Brunswick

Construit en 1856, le phare de forme octogonale continue encore aujourd’hui de fournir une aide précieuse à la navigation. Il offre une vue imprenable sur le golfe du Saint-Laurent, la baie des Chaleurs et la Gaspésie.

La sarracénie pourpre, une plante carnivore, pousse dans les tourbières de l’île. Elle recouvre densément le sol, formant un tapis rouge vif à l’automne. 

La population de l’île est majoritairement d’origine acadienne.

Phare de miscou

Joyau du patrimoine maritime

You and ______ should go see the scarlet carpet that lines the path to the Miscou Island Lighthouse.

Click on the correct answer:

  • A)  I  
  • B)  me  

Hint: Check out the Language Portal of Canada’s writing tip you and I, you and me.

Confirm your choice

Ville de Canmore, en Alberta

Les trois sommets emblématiques de Canmore, les Three Sisters, sont visibles de plusieurs endroits dans la ville.

Plus de 100 kilomètres de sentiers font le bonheur des adeptes de vélo de montagne.

Une école française accueille des jeunes de la maternelle à la 12e année de la localité, mais aussi de Banff et de Lake Louise.


destination nature au pied des Rocheuses

Neither my sister nor I ______ ever witnessed the beauty of the snow-capped Rockies.

Click on the correct answer:

  • A)  has  
  • B)  have  

Hint: Check out the Language Portal of Canada’s writing tip either … or, neither … nor.

Confirm your choice

Réserve de parc national Nahanni, dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest

Le parc Nahanni est réputé pour ses pics majestueux, ses rivières puissantes et ses chutes vertigineuses, dont les chutes Virginia.

La majorité des personnes qui visitent le parc s’y rendent par hydravion. On peut notamment prendre un vol à partir de Yellowknife, la capitale du territoire.

Le parc Nahanni figure parmi les premiers sites inscrits au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, en 1978.

On trouve à Yellowknife les bureaux de deux médias francophones diffusés dans le Nord, soit le journal L’Aquilon et Radio Taïga.

Parc national Nahanni

Le Nord dans toute sa splendeur

Located east of Yellowknife, Nahanni National Park spans more than 30,000 ______.

Click on the correct answer:

  • A)  km2  
  • B)  square kilometres  

Hint: Check out the Language Portal of Canada’s writing tip on the word “kilometre”.

Confirm your choice

Vieux-Québec, au Québec

Plus de 4 kilomètres de fortifications ceinturent le Vieux-Québec, qui est divisé en deux parties : la Haute-Ville, située sur le promontoire du cap Diamant, et la Basse-Ville, en bordure du fleuve Saint-Laurent.

Située en Haute-Ville, la terrasse Dufferin est un belvédère composé d’une promenade en bois, où les gens se rassemblent pour marcher et admirer la vue.

Des fouilles effectuées au début des années 2000 sous la terrasse Dufferin ont permis de découvrir les vestiges du logis de Samuel de Champlain, fondateur de la ville de Québec.


haut lieu de l’Amérique française

The archeologists had to ______ carefully to avoid damaging the architectural relics.

Click on the correct answer:

  • A)  manoeuvre  
  • B)  maneuver  

Hint: Check out the Language Portal of Canada’s writing tip manoeuvre, maneuver.

Confirm your choice

Gravelbourg, Saskatchewan

Built in 1915, the Gravelbourg grain elevator is one of the oldest in Saskatchewan.

The Gravelbourg grain elevator is being restored and will be converted into a cultural and educational centre.

Nearly a quarter of Gravelbourg’s residents speak French as their first language.


A Franco-Saskatchewanian treasure

Visit the Gravelbourg & District Museum to learn not only about the history of the town ______ about its heritage.

Click on the correct answer:

  • A)  and also  
  • B)  but also  

Hint: Check out the Language Portal of Canada’s writing tip on correlative conjunctions.

Confirm your choice

Miscou Island, in northeastern New Brunswick

The octagonal lighthouse, which was built in 1856, still helps sailors navigate today. The lighthouse provides a spectacular view of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Chaleur Bay and Gaspésie.

The carnivorous pitcher plant grows in the island’s peat bogs, forming a bright red carpet of dense vegetation in the fall. 

Most of the island’s residents are Acadian.

Miscou lighthouse

A pearl of Maritime heritage

You and ______ should go see the scarlet carpet that lines the path to the Miscou Island Lighthouse.

Click on the correct answer:

  • A)  I  
  • B)  me  

Hint: Check out the Language Portal of Canada’s writing tip you and I, you and me.

Confirm your choice

The town of Canmore, in Alberta.

The peaks of the iconic Three Sisters mountains can be seen from many places in Canmore.

Over 100 kilometres of trails await mountain biking enthusiasts of all levels.

Children living in Canmore, Banff and Lake Louise attend Canmore’s K-12 French-language school.


A nature destination at the foot of the Rockies

Neither my sister nor I ______ ever witnessed the beauty of the snow-capped Rockies.

Click on the correct answer:

  • A)  has  
  • B)  have  

Hint: Check out the Language Portal of Canada’s writing tip either … or, neither … nor.

Confirm your choice

Nahanni National Park Reserve, in the Northwest Territories

Nahanni National Park is renowned for its majestic mountains, raging rivers and towering waterfalls, including Virginia Falls.

Most people get to the park by floatplane. But you can also take a flight from Yellowknife, the capital of the Northwest Territories.

Selected in 1978, Nahanni National Park was one of the first sites to make it onto UNESCO’s World Heritage list.

Yellowknife is home to two Francophone media outlets in the North: the Aquilon newspaper and Radio Taïga.

Nahanni national Park

The North in all its glory

Located east of Yellowknife, Nahanni National Park spans more than 30,000 ______.

Click on the correct answer:

  • A)  km2  
  • B)  square kilometres  

Hint: Check out the Language Portal of Canada’s writing tip on the word “kilometre”.

Confirm your choice

Old Québec, in the province of Quebec

Over four kilometres of fortifications encircle Old Québec, which is divided into two parts: Upper Town, located on the Cape Diamond promontory; and Lower Town, which flanks the St. Lawrence River.

Located in Upper Town, the Dufferin Terrace lookout point is a beautiful place to go for walks and admire the view.

Samuel de Champlain founded the City of Québec. In the early 2000s, excavations below the Dufferin Terrace revealed the vestiges of Champlain’s living quarters.

Old Québec

The hub of French America

The archeologists had to ______ carefully to avoid damaging the architectural relics.

Click on the correct answer:

  • A)  manoeuvre  
  • B)  maneuver  

Hint: Check out the Language Portal of Canada’s writing tip manoeuvre, maneuver.

Confirm your choice